The Invasion From Outer Space

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The Invasion from Outer Space. By Steven Millhause r. February 2, 2009. Save this story for later. Photograph by Olivier Culmann / Tendance Floue. To avoid touching the substance from outer. Shortcut: The Invasion from Outer Space. From the beginning we were prepared. People stopped in the street and pointed in the air. The TV anchors looked tense but under control. They told us something had been sighted coming from space. It was approaching at great speed. 'The War of the Worlds'—Orson Welles's hyper-realistic radio dramatization of a Martian invasion of Earth—is broadcast on the radio, causing panic among some.

Short story: 'The Invasion from Outer Space'

The Invasion From Outer Space

'The Invasion from Outer Space,' by Steven Millhauser

Appeared in the New Yorker September 9th, 2009 (online here)

1,535 words


'The Invasion from Outer Space,' by Steven Millhauser

Appeared in the New Yorker September 9th, 2009 (online here)

1,535 words

The Invasion From Outer Space Analysis

The Invasion From Outer Space Pdf

Goddammit Millhauser. This story could have been twenty words long. Maybe a few hundred words, to give us time to underline the banality of the 'invasion.' What's the point of the other thousand? Does the publication date have some significance? Is this a statement about how the impact of 9-11 is dwarfed by that of other, more anticlimactic, 'peaceful' horrors of the world? Is it a tacit admission that Millhauser cannot control his addiction to the first-person plural? Do I even give a shit?

(Edited to add: I can't believe I wrote 'third-person plural' up there. I need sleep.)

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